Prison Politics 101

What do you call it when you have a govt. that's predicated upon a socioeconomic system known as capitalism when it carry out mining operations in poor neo colonized communities of color? When the black gold and ore in this instance is that of black and brown bodies? I mean who in this instance, black bodies represent the raw resource that is being fed into the machinery that we identify as the Prison Industrial Complex?

When you think of the industry known as mining, you envision some pieces of heavy equipment digging into mountains or hills digging for various types of metals or coal that then gets processed and fed into a system of markets and exploited or utilized for whatever purpose.
What if urban communities, poor, oppressed, neo colonized, so call ghettos were the hills and mountains and the precious metals were black and brown bodies? What if the heavy equipment that carry out these mining operations came in the form of the DEA, FBI, this or that Task Force, this or that Anti Crime Bill or Joint Operation? What if the name of these private corporations that this heavy equipment work for was called War on Drugs, War on Terror, The Geo Group, Three Strikes, etc and as their workers blood suck generations of that raw resource out of these communities, leaving in its wake a wasteland of ruined families, devastated communities with polluted soil and contaminated water?

It leaves in its wake a school to prison pipeline and cycle of catch and release and a severely crippled infrastructure.

This raw resource is fed into the markets of the Prison Industrial Complex that goes towards creating a job market for the oppressor settler nation. The exploitation of this raw resource helps to create jobs such as social workers, probation /parole officers, case managers, prison guards etc. It helps to feed the oppressor state security forces/law enforcement industry. It helps to create new prisons, detention centers and jails out in far rural areas to help boost that areas local economy while simultaneously bribing other poor struggling folks to join forces with these oppressive entities for the crumbs that the master/state will throw them.
Usually these prisons are built way out in predominantly white areas and this settler population are then bribed with jobs, crumbs and given the opportunity to join forces , to be used as auxiliary shock troops I.e. heavy equipment to mine, exploit, oppress and process that raw resource I.e. black and brown bodies. Also the disenfranchising the mined communities and boosting these areas ability to receive govt resources by dumping bodies in these areas.
These resources also goes into the Prison Industrial Complex and is further processed by being forced into various factories and industries controlled by the state or private companies. Made to work in factories for pennies on the dollar and made to produce items that is then sold on a larger outside market for millions of dollars.

You see we are comfortable with turning a blind eye to the genocide of other peoples or in other communities as long as its not ours. A lot of us are comfortable with watching Mexican people or Latino in general being hunted like modern day slaves being chased by slave catchers as long as it isn't us. Can I see your green card please, your papers ma'am, hands where I can see them sir!
But you see it is Us, it will affect Us all.

You turned a blind eye when the low intensity chemical warfare agent crack was used to wreck havoc and devastation in poor oppressed communities. Fast forward now to 25 yrs later and now king heroin is kicking in your doors, shattering your bedroom windows and infiltrating your schools to suck the life out of and steal the breath from your most precious resource - your children. Try as you might you cannot separate your humanity from mine, they're intertwined. You can only betray it. Want for others what you want for yourself. Are our children not just as precious as yours? This business is so lucrative that it even expands into some urban areas and siphon off other forms of raw resources and give them jobs in order to shake off the chants and allegations of racism and being racist. They use some of these black and brown bodies to watch over and maintain the oppression of other black and brown bodies , but you see we aren't fooled. We know this is a bit bigger than racism, its a lot more complex than racism. Its neocolonial imperialism.

You see we know that the state, the govt., the system of exploitation and genocide couldn't be completed w/out the complicity and cooperation of some of these oppressed black and brown bodies. As Sista

Harriett Tubman stated it best "I could of freed thousands more if only they knew they were slaves!" Without the co opting of some of that raw resource and allowing for some black and brown faces in high places you would have Civil War and Revolution in the streets but you don't attack that which you respect or think that you're a part of.

With business being so lucrative it is now common to see multiple generations from a single family in these concentration camps. I mean the father, his son and then a grandson or nephew all having been swept up by that same heavy machinery.

As people chain themselves to trees, padlock themselves to machines and break and enter in order to liberate animals from sick experiments, all of which I support.
Can someone plz chain themselves to some of these courthouse doors, county jail doors that is a part of this mining process. Can someone plz break and enter to liberate some of us that are being subjected to all types of sick tortuous experiments?

Can we make it unsafe for some of these mining companies to operate in? Just as we say "No" to Dakota pipelines; We say 'No' to school to prison pipelines?

Just as we expose and challenge the contaminated pipes and drinking water in Flint, Mi. we expose and challenge the contaminated pipes and water at the Westville Control Unit or Secure Housing Unit at Wabash that is causing us kidney diseases and various cancers. The struggles are interwoven.

Companies that service the criminal justice system need sufficient quantities of raw materials to guarantee long term growth.... In the criminal justice field, the raw material is prisoners, and industry will do what is necessary to guarantee a steady supply. For the supply of prisoners to grow , criminal justice policies must ensure a sufficient number of incarcerated 'amerikans' regardless of whether crime is rising or the incarceration is necessary.
Plantation Politics 101

Dare to Struggle Dare to Win; Shaka


Domestic Exile: Low Intensity Warfare